Friday, October 3, 2008

Disposable Emails

Almost every forum or web site require user registration and asks about you real email address. Not supplying one may result in download links or activation link to be sent somewhere else. Disposable emails illiminate the need to give out your real email and allow you to receive download or activation links. The beauty of such disposable emails is in their limited lifespan. The temporary email address gets redirected to the real email address and dies together with the spam.

There are several free disposable email services available:

In my view Jetable is the best one. No registration is required to use the service, and no spam or advertisement sent by Jetable themselves. The service is provided by the French non-profit Association for a Non-Commercial Internet.

1 comment:

Ken Pryor said...

I like to use these kinds of services too occasionally. There's another good one at although it doesn't forward to another address. They just have a place where you receive the message there and then the address ceases to exist after about 15 minutes or so.